Registration for the 2025 tournament has ended.
Texas eXtreme is a fun and challenging opportunity for our most creative problem-solving teams. If you have a team that wants to take up this challenge please read carefully to the end of this page!
Because Texas eXtreme is so special and only in Texas, we have an easy, but additional process that must be followed to register for the Mid-Cities DI Tournament. This process is totally separate from the RYT and Destination Imagination process you may be familiar with.
Step 1:
Use this link to apply for a team number from Texas DI. Your number will begin with 850-_____. You must acquire this number to register for the Mid-Cities Regional Tournament. This cost of this number is built into your tournament registration.
The deadline to apply for this number from TXDI is November 20, 2024. Please only request a number for teams that plan to participate in our tournament.
Step 2:
Use this link to register for the Mid-Cities DI Tournament for Texas eXtreme(link available when registration opens.) Tournament date is in the works. The deadline for registration is December 8, 2024.
1. Texas eXtreme competition only has two levels, Middle Level and Secondary Level.
2. Teams participation in multiple challenges must have the same team members for the regular DI Team challenge and Texas eXtreme. We cannot allow mixing of team members due to the difficulty of scheduling.
3. Teams can, at most, compete in one regular DI Team challenge in addition to Texas eXtreme, due to scheduling.
4. Teams may compete in Extreme only.
5. Your team is required to provide an Appraiser volunteer that is committed to a 2-3 hours virtual training as well as all day at the tournament. Appraiser training will occur a few weeks prior to the tournament. Your volunteer MUST attend training and attend the tournament and appraise from 7:30AM-5:00PM. Appraisers will need your team’s 850-_____ number to be assigned as your appraiser. Appraiser registration instructions can be found here.
6. The Regional Tournament Fee for Texas eXtreme is $125 ($25 for TXDI number plus $100 for our tournament fee.) You may pay the MCDI tournament registration fee on our Square store.
7. At least one team from each level will advance to Lone Star Finals held at UTA on March 29, 2025
8. If your team advances, the cost for Lone Star Finals is $350. Texas eXtreme competition ends at the state level.